큐브로이드 새로운 교구인 마이크로비트와 함께 교육중인 친구들 in Europe
🤖Journey through the Space with Cubroid blocks and micro:bit!
This kit can be combined with Cubroid blocks
to create even more great convergence education.
If you're new to Cubroid or looking to enhance
your classroom experience, this is your chance
to explore the latest feature and resources.
💻Visit Website!
#Cubroid #CuroAI #Innovation #EdTech #ElSalvador
#STEAMEducation #STEAM #Robotics #International
#Cooperation #MOU #GlobalEducation
대표자 : 신재광
구매 및 견적 문의 : 070-7005-9296
E-mail : info@cubroid.com
사업자등록번호 : 250-87-00815 ㅣ 통신판매업신고번호 : 2022-인천부평-0506
인천광역시 부평구 주부토로 236, 인천테크노밸리U1센터 D 동1007호
Copyright ⓒ (주)큐브로이드 . All rights reserved.
대표자 : 신재광 ㅣ 전화번호 : 070-7005-9296 ㅣ E-mail : info@cubroid.com
🤖Journey through the Space with Cubroid blocks and micro:bit!
This kit can be combined with Cubroid blocks
to create even more great convergence education.
If you're new to Cubroid or looking to enhance
your classroom experience, this is your chance
to explore the latest feature and resources.
💻Visit Website!
#Cubroid #CuroAI #Innovation #EdTech #ElSalvador
#STEAMEducation #STEAM #Robotics #International
#Cooperation #MOU #GlobalEducation